Our First Show!
The Kablooey Group was in the very beginning stages of becoming an entity when an exciting opportunity presented itself: an invitation to perform at an event for the Children’s Museum of Illinois!
“A Knight to Remember” featured all sorts of cool stuff for kids to check out. There were live “birds of prey” from Scovill Zoo, actual armor and weapons on display, games and contests, and two knightly meals for all in attendance. It was during these meals The Kablooey Group performed an original show written specifically for the event.
The show featured Princess Peppapink (Rachel) from the Pinkydink Palace along with her two faithful knights: Sir Waffle (Jerry) and Sir Rupp (Jay). Kids and adults alike were tickled by these colorful characters and their silly humor, and many young fans eagerly ran up to take photos with Peppapink and the Knights after the two performances. There were also several extended princess/knightly chats bringing additional smiles to those lucky enough to be around for them.
For more info on the show itself click here.