Jay is the creative mind behind “Couchablanca,” the latest Stahl’s Furniture commercial currently airing on Central Illinois television stations.
“The idea was to craft as faithful a recreation to the original [1942 class film Casablanca] as possible, through the filter of a thirty second furniture commercial” explains Jay, a long-time producer of award winning commercials. “It was fun, striking that balance. The idea is that the leads know they’re in a commercial, so while Gus [Gordon] is all in and really wants to be Bogart, Julie [Staley] will only play along so far. That awareness allowed some elbow room within the concept.”
As is typical, Jay wore multiple hats for Couchablanca, serving as creative director, writer, director, editor (the actors), composer (of the original score, not the jingle) and animator (of the end board). He worked alongside and co-produced with longtime collaborator Jim Cloney for Falcon Multimedia.
Jay teases that a followup is planned, though he won’t spill which iconic Hollywood film will serve as the inspiration. “If it happens, all I can say is I can’t wait to see what Gus and Julie do with it!”
Couchablanca began airing on June 2nd.